Tuesday 13 September 2016

Misère, misère...

Des cités faites de tentes surgissent au sein des villes aux quatre coins des USA alors que la pauvreté fait son chemin

Ça rappelle les camps de squatteurs Blancs en Afrique du Sud...


Les 'camps de squatteurs BLANCS' d'Afrique du Sud: des bidonvilles construits après la chute de l'Apartheid sont désormais le lieu de résidence de centaines de familles

Autre article, et[Famine signalée parmi 1 million (sur 3,4) de Blancs pauvres en Afrique du Sud]



FTR MOVING FRI AT 1400 - TW Children play on a tire being used to block the entrance to a squatter camp for poor white South Africans at Coronation Park in Krugersdorp, March 6, 2010. A shift in racial hiring practices and the recent global economic crisis means many white South Africans have fallen on hard times. Researchers now estimate some 450 000 whites, of a total white population of 4.5-million, live below the poverty line and 100,000 are struggling just to survive in places such Coronation Park, a former caravan camp currently home to more than 400 white squatters. Picture taken March 6, 2010. To match feature SAFRICA-WHITES REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (SOUTH AFRICA)

A woman pushes a cart with a monthly supply of food aid donated to residents of a squatter camp for poor white South Africans at Coronation Park in Krugersdorp, March 6, 2010. A shift in racial hiring practices and the recent global economic crisis means many white South Africans have fallen on hard times. Researchers now estimate some 450,000 whites, of a total white population of 4.5 million, live below the poverty line and 100,000 are struggling just to survive in places such as Coronation Park, a former caravan camp currently home to more than 400 white squatters. Picture taken March 6, 2010. To match feature SAFRICA-WHITES/ REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SOCIETY BUSINESS) FRANCE MAGAZINES OUT. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE.


Le processus de sélection des réfugiés:



  • Je lis ici que vous êtes un ancien moudjahid, n'avez aucune qualification de travail, parlez mal l'anglais, et avez 3 femmes et 13 enfants?

  • Mort à l'Occident!

  • Bienvenue à bord!

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